Hello, everyone! I was so honored when Cyndi asked me to share my story! My name is Julie Dickens, and I’m a single mom to my amazing 13-year-old daughter, Marley. We have lived in McKinney, TX for the last 11 years. My daughter and family mean the world to me, traveling is my jam, and my faith in the Lord gets me through my days.
I am so blessed to live a full life (I choose to say full rather than busy). I call myself a “multipreuner” as I own three businesses. For the last 8 years, I have been living my dream and passion of sharing the love of dance through my dance studio, JDM School of Dance. Not only do I teach the art of dance, I love building self -confidence, respect, positive body image, teamwork, fun, social skills, and friendships with my dancers. It brings me so much joy. There’s nothing better than seeing the look on a dancer’s face when she or he finally masters a step or to witness tears of joy when a mama sees her two-year-old perform on stage. This was all made possible because I decided to follow my heart. So, I ask you, “Are you living your dream and passion? And if your answer is “No”, what is stopping you?” I encourage you to go for it!
Another passion of mine is health and wellness. From the age of 3, I remember dressing up as a nurse and pretending to take care of my dolls and my family. My mom always said I would grow up to be a nurse or a doctor, and I did! As a nurse (I am not practicing now), it gave me great joy being able to take care of my patients. To know that I made a difference warmed my heart. One of my favorite quotes is, “The greatest wealth is health”. I was delighted when I had the opportunity to partner with a health and wellness company and start my own business. This allowed me to fill that need to help others with their health again. It brings me such joy seeing people take control of their health. So, I ask you, “What brings you joy?” Whatever it is, do more of that!
I love sharing my happy experiences and encouraging others to follow their dreams and passions . However, I have some pain and hardships that I like to share, too. Over the last few years, my world has turned upside down. My marriage of 18 years ended, my mom passed away suddenly, I had emergency knee surgery, I struggled to run two businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, my house was flooded, and I had two vehicles wrecked. I have experienced some of the darkest moments in my life during recent times. There were so many days that I wanted to just crawl into a hole and never come out. I felt defeated, alone, empty, sad and angry. But deep down, I knew this was not the answer. I knew my daughter needed me, the studio needed me, and the Lord had a purpose for my pain. I took it a day at time, surrounded myself with those that lifted me up and focused on the Lord. Friends, I am here to tell you, no matter what, keep going always. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
I hope you can use my experiences as a source of motivation and encouragement. Remember, allow your passion to become your purpose and always keep going! Julie